More Evidence against Monsanto, Glyphosate
Monsanto and its friends in government (FDA, USDA EPA, Congress, etc.) and other high places have flooded the “news” with the usual wearisome attacks on Science and Truth. Monsanto has claimed the WHO is out of step with science. The latest problem for Monsanto’s attacks on WHO comes from a new paper in a glyphosate series authored by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff. The two show Monsanto is flat wrong, that glyphosate is cancerous, that Roundup is disastrous. Dr. Samsel and Dr. Seneff show Monsanto’s own studies revealed clear links between glyphosate and cancer 30 years ago.
Glyphosate Pathways to Modern Diseases – via FOIA
The paper is titled, “Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies.” Its authors use the data from Monsanto’s own studies, which, for inexplicable reasons, had been sealed by the EPA. Dr. Samsel’s freedom of information requests finally brought them to light. Those files are a bombshell. They show glyphosate fed to rats produced tumors and cancers throughout their organs and glands.
Cancer Increases with Monsanto’s Success
Many types of cancers – thyroid, liver, bladder, pancreatic, kidney, myeloid leukemia, etc. – have risen among Americans in proportion with increased exposure to glyphosate. Glyphosate poisoning of the food crops and environment has exploded since the mid-1990s. Glyphosate has fattened Monsanto’s bank accounts as it has fattened and sickened Americans.
GMO Corn, Soy, Canola
Putting pesticides into genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready corn, soy and canola in the US meant Americans began eating large amounts of poison for the first time in history. It was the first time so-called “herbicide” was sprayed directly on conventional crops.
Herbicide Pesticide
Monsanto calls Roundup an “herbicide.” Roundup’s label claims that it targets an enzyme found only in plants but not in people or animals. This claim is a bald-faced lie. The very same enzyme that Roundup attacks in plants is also found in people and pets. This is why Roundup destroys human gut flora and triggers a litany of health problems. Monsanto is being sued in the state of California for false advertising in peddling this lie.
The heavy use of glyphosate on GM crops has caused weeds to wildly evolve. “Superweeds” are now everywhere, taking over fields. Monsanto’s answer, of course, has been to spray more and more poison. This “solution” only exacerbates all the superweed problems, which in turn deepens the poisoning of our food supply, soil, ground water, and our public discourse, controlled as so much of it is by Monsanto money that neuters the mainstream media.
Farmers also began to use glyphosate as a drying and ripening agent just before harvesting wheat, sugarcane, peas, beans, lentils, and many other crops, greatly adding to the toxic burden on the food, soil, and themselves. Many farmers are filing Monsanto lawsuits which allege that Roundup exposure has caused them to develop non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Hairy Cell Leukemia, or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
250 Studies show Glyphosate Dangers
Citing almost 250 studies, Dr. Samsel and Dr. Seneff explain the biochemistry that shows exactly how glyphosate can trigger the rise in cancers. Glyphosate makes all-important trace minerals like manganese unavailable. The herbicide poison cuts off key metabolic pathways that rely on the (previously) absorbable minerals to function. Glyphosate is also an ill-advised antibiotic. It kills off beneficial gut bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Monsanto has been sued for lying about this problem. The body needs these and other bacterial casualties of glyphosate in order to produce other key components for many complex reactions. Glyphosate also damages the mitochondria. Glyphosate also derails the delicate balance of the hormonal systems.
Connecting the Glyphosate Cancer Dots
As the study authors connect the many glyphosate cancer dots, they also demonstrate how the same disruptions are likely contributing to a whole host of other diseases. Glyphosate is also likely linked with autism, diabetes, kidney disease, fatty liver disease. These and other maladies are highlighted in the previous three papers in this series by Dr. Samsel and Dr. Seneff. A videotaped interview of Dr. Seneff shows the links between glyphosate and more than a dozen diseases. A second interview discussing the second paper in the series focuses on gluten sensitivity and kidney failure as outcomes of glyphosate exposure.
Monsanto Manipulates the Low Dose Card for Hormone Disruption
In the current cancer paper, the doctor authors explain at least two ways Monsanto tries to explain away the serious health issues suffered by unfortunate laboratory animals. First, Monsanto simply ignores the low dose effects. It is well known that a certain class of chemicals called endocrine disruptors have an inexplicable counter-intuitive property. Their greatest damage to the hormonal system comes in tiny doses. In point of fact, as these chemicals increase, the hormonal effects decrease. Monsanto disingenuously tries to confuse this issue.
‘The Dose Makes the Poison’ – another Lie
In Monsanto’s studies, it was often the low dose of glyphosate that had the biggest impact on the gland, organ, or tumor prevalence. Therefore, Monsanto decided to hide behind the false concept that “The dose makes the poison.” Monsanto researchers flatly ignored findings where a lower dose had a larger effect than a higher one. Some chemical industry shills may defend Monsanto by claiming low dose endocrine effects were not understood in the 1970s and 80s. Many of these findings were first reported then, but that defense won’t wash. The low dose endocrine disruption effect has now been widely known for nearly 15 years.
The low dose endocrine disruption has been well understood by every member of the scientific community who doesn’t work for companies like Monsanto. Sadly, stupidly, unconscionably – the dose fallacy is also conveniently ignored by government regulators who are often shameless Monsanto shills or former employees. The government stooges don’t require Monsanto and similar chemical poisoning companies to even test for this effect. They may fear that doing so could mark them as “activists.” That could keep them from going back through the revolving door and working for Monsanto or some other chemical industry giant. The U.S. EPA and Europe’s EFSA let chemicals like glyphosate onto the market without evaluating whether they are fouling our sex hormones, thyroid hormones, or any of the other vital hormones we need for good health.
Low Dose Worse than High Dose, so Monsanto no Longer Compares
Once Monsanto scientists, lawyers, and executives saw the low dose effects of glyphosate (Roundup) on tortured lab animals, they simply stopped testing the low dosage in subsequent trials.
Monsanto’s Improper Testing – No Control Groups
Another research ploy from Monsanto has been to avoid using a control group altogether. With no control group, there is simply no way to assess anything meaningful about the pesticide at hand. Monsanto has instead used something absurd called “historical controls.” This is an unscientific method Monsanto has used to pretend one can ignore even serious evidence of harm.
Real Science, Monsanto Science
Real science says you design an experiment to compare an experimental group with a control group under the same conditions. A legitimate scientist, for example, raises rats on the same food, same water, same environmental conditions, and even selects the same type of rat for both groups. In this manner, one can isolate the variable one wants to test. Monsanto, however, only varied the amount of glyphosate it fed the rats. The controls got zero, and various experimental groups got one of several dosage levels.
Monsanto Hid Roundup Cancer Evidence
According to the Samsel/Seneff paper, the animals who received the doses of glyphosate had a far greater number of lymph node and thyroid cancerous tumors than the controls. The results were clearly statistically significant.
In an effort to make these damaging findings vanish, Monsanto directed its research staff to cherry pick other, totally unrelated animal studies. The goal was to find cases where the control groups also had a high level of cancers (or other disorders). Then they claimed that because some other group of rats in a lab – with completely different conditions and diets – showed a similar number of problems as the group of animals fed glyphosate, one could simply ignore the findings altogether.
Junk Science = Monsanto Science
Real scientists condemn this Monsanto practice as illegitimate. Many studies have shown controls subject to contaminated diets or other environmental conditions that make their maladies far from normal. It mocks the scientific method to perform an experiment which demands careful attention to keeping the conditions the same for the experimental group and the controls, if one simply throws out the results by finding rats in other studies with which to compare results.
All Test Groups Poisoned with GMOs, Metals, Toxins
A study by Robin Mesnage entitled “Laboratory Rodent Diets Contain Toxic Levels of Environmental Contaminants: Implications for Regulatory Tests” discovered that the normal diets of lab animals, both control and experimental, are contaminated with GMOs, glyphosate, heavy metals, and other toxins. All the animal studies being conducted are potentially and even likely biased, as a result. How does one test GMOs and glyphosate contamination against GMOs and glyphosate contamination?
Ah, Science, we hardly knew ya’ before Monsanto blew your brains out.
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Nebraska Farmers Sue Monsanto
- Monsanto wants to add New Poison
- Monsanto, US Regulators Poison World

by Matthews & Associates