3M Clients Must Act Now
Judge Rodgers has ordered all claimants to obtain their own medical records via https://www.myhealth.va.gov/mhv-portal-web/user-login.
Get your records now! click this link.
Urgent Request of 3M Plaintiffs
If you are a 3M earplug client of ours, we must have your military and medical records in order to proceed with your 3M case.
Because more than 280,000 claimants have inundated the VA and DOD, those government agencies are unable to process requests fast enough to support the litigation.
Judge Rodgers, who served in the military, believes strongly that anyone wishing to continue with their 3M earplug case has the ability to go online and obtain their own military records, and he has ordered that those plaintiffs must do so. The process takes only 10-20 minutes, and we have included detailed instructions.
Your Case may be dismissed unless you Act Now!
Without records, we cannot move forward with your case. We are here to help you walk through the process, if needed; so please reach out to us if you need help. The last day to use the portal is March 20, 2022.
We cannot do this for you; so please take action for yourself
If we were able to do this on your behalf, we would; but unfortunately you are the only person who can access and download your own military/health records. We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter as we continue to work through the litigation matters and respond to Court Orders.
If you have any questions, please email us at earplugclaim@thematthewslawfirm.com.
- Government Web Site Login – Click this Link
- Defective Earplug Lawsuit
- 3M Ear Plug Lawsuit Update Dec. 2021

by Matthews & Associates