(Jan. 9, 2020) – Longtime corporate attorney Julie Matthews has moved across the litigation aisle to join the fight for plaintiffs. Ms. Matthews joined Matthews & Associates in 2016 to work on the firm’s growing personal injury case dockets filed against medical device and drug manufacturers. She previously worked for several years as a corporate attorney. Her extensive experience in that regard brings a unique, insider’s perspective to her work today for plaintiffs. She brings to Matthews & Associates invaluable insight into corporate structures, their legal strategies, and insurance and risk management practices – all of which plaintiffs’ attorneys must understand in order to successfully fight for the rights of injured people.
Plaintiffs’ Rights Work – A Personal Prospective
Ms. Matthews said she feels very fortunate to return to litigation on the side of plaintiffs. She is quick to point out how much she enjoys working alongside the highly experienced litigation attorneys at Matthews & Associates Law Firm.
“They are among the brightest, most tenacious people I’ve ever known,” she says. “They leave nothing behind in fighting for their clients.”
25+ Years of Litigation Experience
Ms. Matthews came to Matthews & Associates from American Girl, a division of Mattel, Inc., a Fortune 500 company located in Madison, Wisconsin. There, she served for more than 18 years as a Director and Senior Counsel, managing contract negotiations and legal issues across all the company’s channels, including digital, catalog, and 20+ retail stores nationwide, as well as in Canada and Mexico. She was also responsible for the Risk Management Department; she managed claims, disputes, and litigation, including the company’s product liability and regulatory actions. Prior to her work for American Girl, she was Corporation Counsel for a public company that provided environmental consulting services from more than 15 offices nationwide.
State Supreme Court Experience
Julie Matthews was a member of the legal team that successfully argued a key insurance issue before the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Appointed as head of Legal Regulatory, she negotiated with state and federal regulatory agencies regarding privacy issues, consumer complaints, and overall business compliance with regulatory requirements.
Privacy Rights Guardian
A fierce advocate for privacy rights, Ms. Matthews is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). She also serves as the Health Insurance Privacy and Portability Act (HIPAA) compliance officer for Matthews & Associates, providing staff training in order to ensure privacy protections for the firm’s many clients.
Litigation Experience
Since joining M&A, Ms. Matthews has represented clients and worked on injury cases against major medical device and drug manufacturers. She was an integral part of the firm’s successful trial cases against Cook Medical in 2018 for its Celect blood clot filter, as well as the firm’s $34M verdict against Rex Medical in 2019. She has also worked in Reglan, Xarelto, and Depakote drug cases, along with diabetes drug Invokana and other SGLT2 drug cases.
Julie Matthews received her Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) degree from South Texas College of Law. She first worked as a lawyer at a Houston, Texas law firm before returning to her home state to also practice law. She was admitted to the Texas bar in 1990, and has been an active member of the Wisconsin Bar since 1992.
Personal History
Growing up in a small Wisconsin town with 5 siblings, she learned that church, education, and giving back were familial as well as local priorities. Following in her father’s footsteps, she has been a supporter of United Way all her adult life. She has helped build houses for Habitat for Humanity, supported local food banks, and been a member of the Multiple Sclerosis Society since 2002.
- IVC Filter Lawsuit Attorney
- Philly Jury hits Vein Filter Company with $34 Million Verdict
- Cook Medical loses $1.2 Million IVC Filter Verdict
- Attorney Julie Matthews

by Matthews & Associates