(May 18, 2018) Unless you’ve been living in a cave for three years, you already know Monsanto’s glyphosate was declared a probable carcinogen (in March 2015) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). That declaration threatened – and threatens – billions of dollars in Monsanto profits. Glyphosate is the main active ingredient listed in Roundup, Monsanto’s best-selling poison. Roundup is the cornerstone of Monsanto’s worldwide efforts to control agriculture. All agriculture. It’s a high-stakes game. If farmers and homeowners were to learn that Roundup can kill them just as it kills weeds and pollinator bees, they might stop using it altogether. Many more people might learn about Monsanto’s links to cancer now. A court just rejected Monsanto’s challenge to a cancer warning over glyphosate.
Related: Snopes Lies for Monsanto
After the 2015 IARC cancer ruling on glyphosate, the state of California followed its own laws and listed glyphosate on its list of chemicals known to cause cancer. Monsanto promptly sued the state to de-list glyphosate. California countersued for the right to enforce its own laws. A California district judge heard both sides’ arguments, then ruled yesterday. It was an important victory for citizen’s rights in the face of millions in corporate dollars and an army of Monsanto attorneys who tried to exonerate the poison king from Missouri.
Court rejects Monsanto Challenge to Cancer Warning
Fortunately, California’s Fifth District Court of Appeals in Fresno rejected Monsanto’s argument that glyphosate is not carcinogenic. That meant California can exercise its right to list glyphosate as a carcinogen and prevent it from being discharged into public waterways.
Roundup Kills
Roundup kills; that’s what it does. It kills things. It kills people, too. It kills them with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other types of leukemia. Many, many people have been hoodwinked for a long, long time over Roundup, for more than 20 years. Millions of gallons of Roundup poison have now been dumped on farmland all over the world. Millions of gallons of Roundup have run into the world’s waterways. So much Roundup has polluted the world that glyphosate is now found in most rainwater, as well as in most human beings and in most food tested. It has even been found in organic foods, in organic wine, though thankfully not in as great a volume as in GMO foods like corn and soy which are sprayed directly with the poison.
Thanks to Monsanto, the U.S. Congress, the EPA, and the US FDA, Roundup is now nearly as ubiquitous as oxygen. But that doesn’t mean we all have to continue to put up with it, or to acquiesce in our own slow poisoning. (Called “softkill” in military parlance.) We don’t need to acquiesce to the destruction of mother earth and all of its gifts: pollinator bees, birds, plants, people.
Mainstream Media and Monsanto Advertising
A google search of “Monsanto Roundup cancer” will first turn up a litany of screeds aimed at attacking and discrediting the IARC. Corpocracy-addled publications like Reuters and Forbes, and several of Monsanto’s own responses are the first thing you will find. On the web, newsfakers like Snopes.com blatantly lie for Monsanto. They all claim the IARC “edited out” evidence showing glyphosate was safe. What IARC did was not edit out; it chose not to include those studies presented by Monsanto or its research minions, who all found that glyphosate was safe (of course). Most searches of “Roundup cancer” will be dominated on page one by screeds meant to discredit the IARC, and all of them mis-state, as does Monsanto, the agency’s methods for determining that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.
Why is the mainstream media so solidly behind Monsanto, providing a unified front? The answer is too easy. Monsanto spends millions of dollars advertising Roundup, and it gets what it pays for. Monsanto gets favorable coverage, as MSM falls into lockstep with Monsanto’s own messaging. Nearly every mainstream outlet mirrors Monsanto’s own mean-spirited, fact-challenged rebuttals to the IARC’s declaration that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.
The attacks on IARC all say the same thing, that the agency ignored evidence which exonerated glyphosate and Monsanto. What all those IARC attack pieces fail to say is that the IARC looked only at INDEPENDENT research evidence of gyphosate’s carcinogenicity. It did not include research paid for by Monsanto or performed by Monsanto employees or the company’s “scientific” minions. Virtually all of the attack pieces – and they dominate every ‘Roundup cancer’ or ‘Monsanto Roundup cancer’ search page – fail to mention that Monsanto’s own research with obviously vested interest was not included. The evidence IARC “overlooked” was not overlooked. It was rejected by the agency as not credible, given its sources and obvious conflict of interest.
California Contradictions
California is a state full of contradictions. In a Draconian horror show three years ago, the state killed informed consent for vaccinations, for all intents forcing vaccinations on kids if they wanted to attend California public schools. That meant, and means, that state officials can inject California schoolchildren with virtually any vaccinations the state, and money-toting lobbyists from Merck Pharmaceuticals and other multi-national drug companies, think the students “need,” regardless of their wishes or the wishes of their parents. That is an awful slippery slope, when the state removes parental rights. Forcing vaccinations and removing informed consent is nothing less than communistic. Removing informed consent is what they do in China, not in America.
But at least in these dark days where corporations are spending more and more money – ala Citizens United and other government-sanctioned takeovers – to take away more and more of our individual rights, it is nice to see that sometimes a judge stands up for the rights of the individual not to be poisoned by corporate chemicals and the endless corporate lust for unfettered profits.
Of course this fight is far from over, though environmental activists have been quick to applaud the Fresno ruling. A lawyer for the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco, Rebecca Riley, called it “a win for science and democracy.”
Ms. Riley added, “The ruling clearly backs the voters’ choice to rely on expert scientific bodies to add dangerous chemicals to its list.”
Monsanto Appeal Likely, of course
Upholding states’ rights is always a cause for celebration in these dark days of complete corporate takeover of the commons and our politicians, but Monsanto will likely take this case to the next level. It will probably ask the Supreme Court for another review. Monsanto at this juncture has little choice but to continue the big lie that Roundup is safe. It has too much invested not too, and too much liability if the world is allowed to discover the truth.
One can only fully expect Monsanto to continue to manipulate glyphosate “science” with its well-funded “scientists.” All of them help keep regulators like the Monsanto-compromised EPA and FDA focused on glyphosate alone. This ongoing subterfuge is an unfolding tragedy for the world, because Roundup has been found to be 125x more toxic than glyphosate alone, 125x more toxic than regulators claim.
For all this talk about glyphosate, it is Roundup at which EPA and other regulators need to be looking, not the red herring of glyphosate.
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Monsanto Lawsuit | Lawyer
- Snopes Lies for Monsanto

by Matthews & Associates