The 2014 study analyzed 44 individual research projects published since 1980. The scientists wrote their findings in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. They found that people exposed to the weed killer glyphosate, marketed by Monsanto under the brand name “Roundup,” doubled their risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Most significantly, they based their ruling on public and peer-reviewed studies only. All the studies which have found glyphosate safe have been done by Monsanto or paid for by the company or its proxies. Or they can be traced to some person or university which has received some sort of generous financial “contribution” from Monsanto.
In 2015, the World Health Organization declared glyphosate to be a probable carcinogen. That declaration triggered an avalanche of Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuits.
Twin Killers Dow & Monsanto
People exposed to 2,4-D, another potent weed killer made and marketed by Dow Chemical, were 40 percent more likely to develop non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
The authors were scientists who work in the IARC Section of Environment and Radiation in Lyon, France. They theorized that these pesticides cause genetic mutations in white blood cells and weaken the immune system and the ability to fight off disease. Earlier research has shown that farmers with exposure to 2,4-D have “experienced impaired” immune systems.
Extreme Levels of Glyphosate on Soybeans
Earlier in 2014, EWG reported that research by scientists at the Arctic University of Norway had detected “extreme levels” of glyphosate on genetically engineered soybeans.
The Glyphosate Death Cycle
Monsanto and other crop scientists have been performing experiments on food and people for years. With virtually no regulatory oversight whatsoever, they have genetically engineered soy, corn and other crops to survive the assaults of glyphosate. The theory (or dream) was that farmers could use glyphosate to kill weeds near crops without harming crops or animals or people. The problem has always been that the exactly same enzyme found in the weeds Monsanto targets with glyphosate is also found in animals and in us. Besides poisoning the population and the soil, this method has also spawned superweeds grown resistant to glyphosate and grown hardier. That, in turn, has only exacerbated the death cycle, as many farmers who bought into the Monsanto theory have resorted to spraying more of the pesticide in an overkill effort to kill the superweeds.
Pesticide Questions for the Day
Should it be a surprise that more and more pesticide spraying does not make healthy food? Should anyone be surprised? Can poisoned foods ever be healthier than non-poisoned (organic) foods?
Monsanto Doubles Pesticide Poisoning
The promise of genetic engineering has not only proven to be empty, but also incredibly harmful. The promise, the theory, was also that GMO crops would require less pesticide than other types of commercial farming. (Organic farming uses no pesticides.) The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently reported that herbicide use has doubled since Roundup was unleashed across our land. Herbicide (classified by EPA as a pesticide, so it’s the same thing) doubled from 62 million pounds in 1996 to 128 million pounds in 2012.
Monsanto Market Share
Glyphosate from Monsanto now holds more than 83 percent of the chemical pesticides used in the U.S. yearly, so Monsanto has done a fine job of nearly monopolizing the market as it poisons us all.
Glyphosate Doubles Risk of Lymphoma
The IARC study was published April 23, 2014, just as the U.S. DPA was considering approving Genetically Engineered (GE) seeds of corn and soybeans engineered to withstand 2,4-D, a suspected carcinogen. If the EPA approves the new GE seeds and if 2,4-D is used to kill weeds on some of the 170 million acres of corn and soybeans grown in the U.S. annually, the USDA estimates that 2,4-D use is likely to triple, dramatically increasing people’s exposure to a pesticide that has been shown to be a probable carcinogen.
Herbicides are Pesticides
All herbicides are pesticides as defined by the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, aka FIFRA. Later amendments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture expanded the law to cover toxic chemicals now considered consumer products. The most dangerous pesticides (and herbicides) are restricted. They can only be purchased and applied by licensed Pest Control Operators, PCOs. Unfortunately, some PCOs do not follow the required rules when applying these especially toxic chemicals. Consequently it shows up as residues on or in food, and massive amounts of glyphosate have been dumped into our water supply through uncontrolled groundwater runoff.
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Roundup non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Lawsuit
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Monsanto sued for False Advertising
- Monsanto loses $47 Million Verdict
- Monsanto EPA Collusion?

by Matthews & Associates