Monsanto apologists immediately said the amounts found were very small, and that it would take thousands of helpings to develop ill health effects. But like all things regarding Monsanto, the truth is not so simple or clear cut. Several other recent studies have shown that chronic exposure to Glyphosate at levels far below those sanctioned by the EPA maybe be hazardous to kidney and liver function. Studies have shown that even tiny amounts of chronic glyphosate exposure can raise one’s risk of liver and kidney problems. In addition, there is evidence of EPA officials colluding with Monsanto to conceal the very real problems of glyphosate. So who’s to say what levels of the pesticide are “safe”?
Related: Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
Organic Consumers Association
Since the FDA doesn’t test for the probable carcinogen glyphosate, private groups have been forced to take action. The Organic Consumers Association tested 11 samples of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. They reported that ten contained traces of glyphosate or a related chemical.
Glyphosate is the main active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. Also known as AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid), it can appear in soils poisoned with Roundup.
The OCA called for Ben & Jerry’s to either begin transitioning to organic ingredients or face a national and international consumer boycott. The group also called on stores to drop Ben & Jerry’s unless the company complies.
Poisoned Environment, Pesticided Foods
OCA director Ronnie Cummins blasted dairy farmers and Ben & Jerry’s. He said company profits “are built on the back of an industrial dairy system that poisons the environment and produces pesticide-contaminated food products.”
An independent lab tested all flavors, the group said. ‘Cherry Garcia’ was the sole flavor that tested negative for glyphosate.
Ben & Jerry’s prides itself on its environmental and social impacts, so these findings are especially concerning. Ben & Jerry’s touts “fair trade” policies and support for GMO labeling. The company has claimed glyphosate traces could be due to “add-ins” such as peanut butter or cookie dough. (But does it matter how the ice cream is tainted?)
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Tainted with Glyphosate
A Ben & Jerry’s spokeswoman responded to a request for comment July 26 from The Republican:
“While we have not yet seen the results, we can confirm all Ben & Jerry’s products are safe to consume,” wrote Laura Peterson. “Even if the reported results are accurate, as the laboratory that conducted the test stated, a person would have to consume 145,000 eight-ounce servings PER DAY to reach the limit set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”
Glyphosate Probable Carcinogen
While the World Health Organization in 2015 classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic,” the European Food Safety Authority determined it is unlikely it causes cancer. The Environmental Protection Agency recently determined glyphosate is not carcinogenic, but cozy EPA relations between Monsanto executives and a key EPA researcher have made it clear there is at least the appearance of impropriety if not outright collusion.
Glyphosate also has a checkered past. Back in the 1990s the agency rubber stamped the poison over the objections of two of its senior scientists, who made it clear they did not agree that it had been proven safe.
Glyphosate Probably Carcinogenic
In June 2017, California added glyphosate to a list of chemicals “known to cause cancer.” Monsanto vowed to fight the designation, but a judge determined Monsanto can’t force the state to violate its own laws regarding the designation of cancerous substances.
Science for Sale
Virtually all studies paid for by Monsanto – mostly short-term and cleverly designed to clear Roundup of any health issues – have deemed glyphosate safe. Many studies not financed by Monsanto have found the opposite is true. Gyphosate mixed into the toxic killer Roundup has been shown to cause liver and kidney damage, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, and other life-threatening maladies.
Monsanto has, beyond any doubt, paid for science findings sensitive to company profits. Any careful review of the research proves that. Monsanto-connected scientists routinely criticize and attempt to dismiss any science or scientists who find Roundup problems. Monsanto mouthpieces try to tattoo any Monsanto questioners as “activists. In a straight case of the pot calling the kettle black, Monsanto shills routinely shrill that any person or persons who find Roundup cancerous are politicized and guilty of shoddy “advocacy science.”
Monsanto Shoots the Messenger
That ad hominem fallacy of attacking its critics may fail Monsanto in the courts, however. The undisputed pesticide king is facing several lawsuits from people who claim their non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was caused by Roundup.
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Tainted with Glyphosate
Glyphosate, no matter how you cut it (literally) with several adjuvants to make carcinogenic Roundup, is not as safe or as innocuous as advertised by Monsanto. So you may want to ask Ben & Jerry to hold the glyphosate on your next ice cream order.
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Monsanto must face Roundup Cancer Lawsuit

by Matthews & Associates