The EPA announced on September 16, 2016 that it did a scientific review of glyphosate. The Environmental Protection Agency claimed it compiled the available scientific studies on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate. The agency concluded that the most suitable classification it could assign would be “‘not likely to be carcinogenic to humans’ at doses relevant to human health risk assessment.”
Doses Relevant to Human Health Risk?
The larger question, of course, is exactly what glyphosate doses did the Monsanto-friendly agency decided to assess? And more importantly, did EPA assess the entire chemical makeup of Roundup, which is the real “dose” that people and their food get. Glyphosate is only the main active ingredient in Roundup. No toxicology or cancer study could be relevant without assessing the entire chemical batch now sprayed on most of the country’s corn and soybeans. So finding that glyhphosate is unlikely to cause cancer is essentially a non issue, though it may help Monsanto throw up a smoke screen to ward off litigation in Roundup Cancer Lawsuits. Glyphosate alone was never the problem. The problem is the entire formulation of Roundup, and the EPA knows that as well as Monsanto does.
EPA claims Glyphosate Unlikely To Cause Cancer
EPA conducted the review as glyphosate undergoes its mandated 15-year review under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. EPA’s proposed conclusions are now up for review by the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel, which will meet in October 2016 to review the EPA findings.
The agency wrote: “Overall, animal carcinogenicity and genotoxicity studies were remarkably consistent and did not demonstrate a clear association between glyphosate exposure and outcomes of interest related to carcinogenic potential.”
The EPA charged the advisory panel with commenting on the EPA’s review and analysis of the studies. After giving the panel a chance to make any necessary changes, the regulator will open the panel’s findings up to a 60-day public comment period.
Cancer Risk Analysis Only
The risk analysis published Sept. 16, 2016 by the EPA studies only the herbicide’s cancer potential. The agency said a full review of the risks to humans, which will also include non-cancer risks, should come out in 2017. (Probably just in time to dispute another pronouncement from some other agency – such as the WHO, which famously announced last year that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic” to humans).
Glyphosate a Probably Carcinogen – WHO
The EPA did note, however – dutifully reported Law 360 – that other agencies have reached conflicting conclusions on a glyphosate cancer link, including a “probable carcinogen” designation in 2015 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a division of the World Health Organization, along with the California EPA’s designation of Roundup as a “probable carcinogen.”
Monsanto is currently facing lawsuits by people who claim glyphosate caused their cancer.
Last week, a Delaware state judge refused to dismiss a lawsuit brought by three people who claim they were hurt by exposure to Roundup while employed as migrant workers. They also lived in migrant worker housing, or were employed by a horticultural products company.
Monsanto is also fighting a federal lawsuit brought by a California consumer claiming the use of Roundup lawn spray gave her non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Gluyphosate Non-Hodgkin’s Lymophoma Link Inconclusive
In its report Friday, the EPA noted that non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was one area where the data was inconclusive. Authors of the EPA study dispatched this quote re: NHL:
“In epidemiological studies, there was no evidence of an association between glyphosate exposure and numerous cancer outcomes; however, due to conflicting results and various limitations identified in studies investigating [non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma], a conclusion regarding the association between glyphosate exposure and risk of NHL cannot be determined based on the available data.”
World Overloaded with Glyphosate Poison
The EPA’s study also indicated that the total use of glyphosate in the country has grown enormous, from 1.4 million pounds in 1974 when it was first registered, to almost 300 million pounds in 2014.
EPA Dissapears 1980s Glyphosate Cancer Comment
When glyphosate use was exploding in the mid-80s, the EPA classified it as a “possible human carcinogen.” Since then, glyphosate was recommended to be classified as Group D in 1986 (not enough data to tell if it’s a carcinogen or not) and then by magic moved by EPA to Group E in 1991 (evidence of non-carcinogenicity in humans).
Elephant in the Room
The elephant in the room in the EPA’s proclamation is that glyphosate is the main active ingredient in Roundup, and the so-called inert ingredients are not inert. Taken together, Roundup packs a powerful poison punch that can kill not only insects but people. Many Indian farmers have killed themselves by drinking it after their Monsanto GMO cotton crops have failed and left them in impossible debt. Nearly 300,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide after being “helped” by Monsanto. A Japanese study from 2016 has also shown just how lethal glyphosate can be. People have suffered organ failure and died from glyphosate exposure.
To be continued. . .
- California EPA labels Roundup Cancerous
- Roundup linked to Kidney, Liver Damage Again
- Monsanto can’t dismiss Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Monsanto Cheerleader Hillary Clinton
- Nebraska Farmers sue Monsanto
- EPA magically disappears glyphosate safety report

by Matthews & Associates