Presidential hopeful Donald Trump may be flip flopping a bit on some issues; but on at least one vital one that should concern anyone who lives in this country, he is absolutely right (read: left) on: NAFTA. Mr. Trump’s statements have been unequivocal regarding the so-called ‘North American Free Trade Agreement.’ He calls it what it is: “a disaster.”
Trump recalls Perot
In the 1992 Presidential debates, both the Democrat Clinton and the Republican Bush I were solidly behind NAFTA, the so-called North American Free Trade Agreement. Like most duplicitous trade agreements, it was good for the bottom lines of giant corporations like Wal-mart, General Electric, Monsanto and General Motors, while it was terrible for American workers. Independent candidate Ross Perot was the only one unafraid to speak truth to power, well represented that debate night by the NWO’s hand-picked Bush and Clinton puppets.
Perot warned Americans of what the passage of NAFTA would bring: “That giant sucking sound you’ll hear,” he said, in his high-pitched Texas twang, “is the sound of all those American jobs going to Mexico.” Perot was exactly right, of course.
Phoney Lefty Slick Willie Clinton
After Clinton was elected in 1992, he spearheaded NAFTA into law for his world bank paymasters. Several million Americans quickly lost their manufacturing jobs, American family farms began to fail by the millions and were quickly gobbled up by corporations forming their awful factory farms. Meanwhile, Mexico’s own jobs, especially those of its farmers, were also destroyed, because like the U.S., they no longer had their centuries’ old tariffs in place to protect their local economies. The collapse of Mexico’s economy led to the mass exodus that has become the enormous problem of illegal immigration. The loss of those manufacturing jobs, of course, also led to American families loss of spending power, which also hastened the gutting of local economies. Clinton simply finished the job Bush I had announced with his infamous “New World Order” speech. The horrors of “globalization” rapidly began turning America into a third-world country. We’ve been racing toward the bottom ever since. The federal government has grown exponentially as states have been forced to cede more and more power due to their economic losses courtesy of NAFTA.
NAFTA Gold Standard Test for Democratic Party
NAFTA was always the gold standard test for the party of the working people, which, in sane times, was traditionally the democrats. But then slick Willie Clinton gave the lie to all the old nomenclature when he rammed NAFTA through. It should have been crystal clear then to anyone not blinded by partisan lunacy that he was, in fact, a good Republican in Democrat clothing. Obama continued the lie of the phony leftists by fully supporting NAFTA as well, and by supporting even worse trade arrangements, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Hillary Clinton as first lady actually held propaganda meetings to support NAFTA. The Hill creature is solidly behind NAFTA now, proving once and for all that these party tags of ‘Democrat’ or ‘Republican’ are, for all purposes, completely meaningless.
Into this breech, meanwhile, comes Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump. As a “good” Republican, the party of corporate control, the Donald, by affiliation, should be solidly behind NAFTA. But here is what Trump said about NAFTA in a CBS ’60 Minutes’ interview in October 2016:
“It’s a disaster. … We will either renegotiate it, or we will break it. Because, you know, every agreement has an end. … Every agreement has to be fair. Every agreement has a defraud clause. We’re being defrauded by all these countries.”
Fraud is what NAFTA is and always has been. Fox Noise, MSNBC and other phony “right” and phony “left” news outlets may try to tell us that every other thing out of Mr. Trump’s mouth contradicts what came before, but as far as NAFTA goes, Trump is the only candidate on the so-called “right” ( Sanders the only one on the so-called “left”) who is speaking truth to power.
Beware the pro-NAFTA “news” analysis paid for by the corporations that own the news outlets, including NPR, which before George Bush made it a government-apologist mouthpiece, used to have some merit. (NPR has openly admitted to broadcasting propaganda for the Pentagon during the Vietnam War, among other countless transgressions.) NAFTA is a disaster, for America AND for Mexico.
NAFTA on Steroids
It’s time to pay attention, folks. There’s something even worse than NAFTA on the way. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is NAFTA on steroids. Please read about it, get properly mad, and write your Congressional reps and then vote for somebody who will do something about these anti-American agreements rapidly destroying our country and our way of life.
- Why TPP – NAFTA on Steroids — must be stopped
- Hillary’s Record: Pretending to oppose Trade Agreements
- Hillary, a Lying Compilation
- Hillary and Bernie in civil Rights Era
- Hillary: Career Criminal

by Matthews & Associates