by poet Ken Jones, Attorney at Law
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified Monsanto’s Roundup as Carcinogenic 30 years ago, then mysteriously reversed course, unleashing Roundup poisoning on us all. The EPA knew way back then what Maui residents and many other Americans know now, that Roundup and its active carcinogenic ingredient glyphosate had the potential to wreak serious environmental and human health havoc. Monsanto, keep your hands off Maui!
Roundup more dangerous than Glyphosate
Even more shocking, a study by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini found that other supposedly “inert” ingredients in ROUNDUP are EVEN MORE dangerous than glysophate when mixed with it.
The problem is EPA requires only “active ingredients” to be studied for medium- and long-range toxicity. Companies are inexplicably not required to list “inert” ingredients on most pesticide poison labels.
Companies claim they add ingredients to pesticides – in addition to the “active” ingredient – in order to make the poison easier to spray, to make it easier to stick to plants, to lengthen storage time, and to make rain less likely to wash off the poison. Such additives as these can account for as much as 95 percent of a pesticide. Research has found eight of nine (8/9) pesticides tested are as much as 1,000 times more toxic to human cells than the active ingredient alone.Monsanto poisons Paradise
These disclosures further call into question Monsanto’s reckless decision to lease and purchase large tracts of land on central Maui to experiment and grow GMO crops, lathered in their hazardous chemicals. What kind of irresponsible corporation chooses the most fertile natural paradise on Planet Earth to transform into an open air Frankenstein lab with unimaginably dire consequences for the fragile ecosystem of the most isolated island on the globe?
Local farmers have already complained of air, ground and water contamination from Monsanto’s activities. In fact, local activists passed an anti-GMO ballot initiative in 2014, only to have federal judges in the corporate pocket block its implementation.
Monsanto! Hands off Maui!
As a frequent visitor to this beautiful unique jewel, with plans to open a business there (see, I have taken an intense interest in learning as many facts as I can about this case from those who know best: the locals who live on Maui witnessing this outrageous tragedy unfold. Watch this blog space for future posts including interviews with Maui residents from all walks of life: scientists, farmers, media members, local, state and federal employees and other concerned citizens willing to sound a warning to all who care about the health of our life giving planet: MONSANTO! HANDS OFF MAUI!
- Monsanto fights Maui GMO Ban
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Monsanto, Hands off Maui!
- Alliance for Natural Health — Good Science & Good Law

by Matthews & Associates