Monsanto’s long-running experiment on the American people with its carcinogenic glyphosate has seeped into the wine industry. Ten California wines recently tested for the main active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup have been found to contain glyphosate. California wine glyphosate contamination is rampant.
Got Glyphosate?
Who wants to pay $100 – or $20 or $10, for that matter – for a premium bottle of California wine contaminated with glyphosate? (California Winephosate sounds terribly unappealing.) The state of California is finding out what Germany already has, that Monsanto’s glyphosate has no respect for proprietary fencing. A recent report from Germany showed 14 premium beers tested positive for glyphosate.
Microbe Inotech Lab
The test results on the California wines came from Microbe Inotech Lab of St. Louis, at the behest of Moms Across America. It showed ten (10) different wines from both small and large vineyards contained glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. Organic wine was also found to be contaminated with glyphosate.
Glyphosate Contamination higher in Conventional Wine
The testing found that contamination of conventional wine was 28 times higher than that for organic wine. Levels ranged from 18.74 parts-per-billion (ppb) in conventional wines to 0.659 ppb for organic wine.
Wines tested came from California’s Napa Valley, Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Brand names of the wines were not revealed; but at this moment, how is it possible to believe that any California wine is free of glyphosate? The tests showed not only wine contamination but the widespread contamination of glyphosate-based herbicides in all the food grown in America.
Glyphosate Carcinogenic
In 2015, the World Health Organization officially declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen. Several countries have since implemented legislation to ban or limit its use, including France, Brazil, and the Netherlands. In the U.S., California’s Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) issued plans to list glyphosate as a substance known to cause cancer.
Glyphosate has not yet been outlawed anywhere in America, but many states have increased its hazard rating and reduced its use. Sadly, glyphosate-based herbicides are still being used regularly along public roadways, community parks and school playgrounds.
How much longer will Monsanto get away with pulling the wool over the public’s eyes and selling glyphosate as if it were safe?
Monsanto Lawsuit
Monsanto is already being sued in the state of California for false advertising, for lying on its Roundup label. The lie there is bald-faced and demonstrably provable as a lie. Monsanto says Roundup with its glyphosate targets something found only in plants and not in the human gut. The lawsuit launched can easily prove that Monsanto is lying. If the company will lie so blatantly about something demonstrably false, what else won’t the company lie about? Currently, the biotech bully is suing the state of California for putting glyphosate on its list of carcinogenic substances. Many other Monsanto Lawsuits are also being pursued.
California Wine Glyphosate Contamination
California wine sales in the U.S. topped $24 billion in 2014. How many people will continue to drink California wine once they learn it is contaminated with glyphosate? When retailers start finding customers refusing to order California wines, Monsanto may face more legal problems over its unconscionable poisoning of the world.
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Monsanto sued for False Advertising
- Monsanto sued for Water Contamination
- Monsanto and Government Poison All
- Monsanto Trial in The Hague
- California Wine Glyphosate Contamination

by Matthews & Associates