While Hillary Clinton supports Monsanto GMOs and pockets hundreds of thousands in ag business “speaking fees,” Russia’s Vladimir Putin is fighting Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and heavy herbicide farming methods. In an address to the Russian Parliament May 19, 2016, Putin outlined a plan to make Russia the world’s “leading exporter” of non-GMO foods based on what he called “ecologically clean” production.
Putin also harshly criticized United States’ food production, declaring that Western food producers are no longer offering high quality, healthy, and ecologically clean food. (Educated peoples of the world know this to be a fact; so how strange have things become that we now must look to Russia for somebody to speak the unvarnished truth about our poisoned food supply?)
World Market Grows for Clean Food
Putin told the Russian Parliament: “We are not only able to feed ourselves – taking into account our lands, water resources – Russia is able to become the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food which the Western producers have long lost, especially given the fact that demand for such products in the world market is steadily growing,”
This announcement comes just months after the Kremlin decided to put a stop to the production of GMO-containing foods. That move was seen as a huge step forward in the international fight against companies like Monsanto.
Global Research reported that Putin may be using Russia’s affinity for organic and sustainable farming as a centerpiece in his larger economic strategy.
“Ten years ago, we imported almost half of the food from abroad, and were dependent on imports,” Putin said. “Now Russia is among the exporters. Last year, Russian exports of agricultural products amounted to almost $20 billion – a quarter more than the revenue from the sale of arms, or one-third the revenue coming from gas exports.”
Clinton supports GMOs
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s demonization of Putin and Russia conversely parallels her support of Monsanto and GMO foods. Clinton has spoken favorably of GMOs, parroting Monsanto propaganda that GMOs give higher yields and are drought resistant. The facts are that GMO seeds – along with the heavy (cancer-causing) pesticide spraying those seeds require – do not give higher yields than organic or conventional (non GMO) farming. It is also now well known that GMOs need more water than both organic and conventionally-grown food, not less.
Sustainable Pulse reports that in 2014, Hillary Clinton received a $335,000 “speaking fee” for addressing one of Monsanto’s main GMO lobbying front groups, Biotechnology International Organization (BIO), to help the industry address consumer fears over GMOs.
Clinton had Monsanto for a client when she worked at the Rose Law Firm (alongside the suicided Vince Foster), so perhaps the great greening she imagines the biotech bully of St. Louis can accomplish is only the color of cash the company continues to throw her way.
Monsanto gave the shadowy Clinton Foundation more than a million dollars. Clinton picked a Monsanto lobbyist to lead her 2016 Presidential campaign. She has taken large campaign “donations” from Monsanto and other GMO entities. Her own personal health (as opposed to that of Putin, who is well known to be healthy) indicates that even if she believes GMOs are the answer and is eating them herself, they aren’t working for her; the hype does not match the reality. (For more on hype vs. reality, check out more on the Clinton Foundation fraud.)
Clinton has ignored the World Health Organization’s pronouncement that glyphosate, the main active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is carcinogenic. Clinton has ignored the growing incidence of cancer in a country that, despite being the richest in the world, is easily the most obese; America produces and eats more GMO foods than any other country in the world.
The fact that Clinton aligns her interests with Monsanto and other biotech giants that pose as beneficent “food” corporations while in reality all they are trying to do is maximize their own profits and corner the world market on seeds, should cause even yellow dog democrats some concern, along with Hillary Clinton’s ongoing putsch to demonize old Russia, which is as large a nuclear threat as it has ever been.
Putin, Russia fight Monsanto
Maybe Clinton should listen to people healthier than she, and learn something about food, and international business. The world doesn’t want glyphosate-poisoned Monsanto food, and neither do Americans, at least 90% of whom want GMO food labeled.
- Monsanto Lawsuit
- Roundup Lawsuit
- Glyphosate linked to Kidney, Liver Damage, again
- Glyphosate Cancer Link
- Clinton ties to Monsanto
- Hillary Clinton: Bride of Frankenfood
- Hillary Cinton’s Supports GMO Support confirmed

by Matthews & Associates