Democrats who blindly support whatever candidate the DNC preordains may want to take heed. Hillary Clinton has a very troubling history of working for and supporting Monsanto and its ongoing poisoning of the food supply with the probable carcinogen, glyphosate, which has been found to raise the risk of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, leukemia, and a host of other diseases and health problems.
The Washington Times writes: “Hillary Rodham Clinton’s ties to agribusiness giant Monsanto, and her advocacy for the industry’s genetically modified crops, have environmentalists in Iowa calling her ‘Bride of Frankenfood. [Iowa people aren’t stupid. There’s a reason Bernie Sanders tied her in the Iowa primary, and the DNC needed six coin flips – all to land in Mrs. Clinton’s favor – to “prove” that she “won” the Iowa primary.] A large faction of women voiced strong support for Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy until the GMO issue came up, prompting them to switch allegiances to Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a liberal stalwart challenging her for the Democratic nomination.”
Hillary hires Monsanto Lobbyist
Hillary Clinton has hired a Monsanto lobbyist to run her Presidential campaign. She appointed long-time Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford as adviser to her “Ready for Hillary” super PAC. Crawford has spent years helping Monsanto fight small farmers in court and protect Monsanto’s seed monopoly.
True Activist reported that Crawford is an “equal opportunity payola operative” who hands out political bribes to members of both parties. TrueActivist.com wrote: “Crawford has mostly worked with Democratic politicians in the past, but has also put his support behind Republican candidates. (Anyone) willing to support Monsanto’s goals would receive support from Crawford.”
Vote for Hillary = Vote for Monsanto
Hillary Clinton pushes toxic chemicals, pesticides and herbicides that contaminate the food supply, promote human diseases like Alzheimer’s and even threaten destruction of the entire planet’s food supply, the earth itself.
The Washington Times writes: “In the GMO debate, Mrs. Clinton has consistently sided with the chemical companies. (A) new scientific study bolstered environmentalists’ concerns by finding the herbicide Roundup could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson’s, infertility and cancers. The study published last month in the scientific journal Entropy also reported evidence that residue of glyphosate, a chief ingredient in the weed killer, has been found in food.”
Hillary boosts Monsanto Profits
GMO food keeps Monsanto and the other unnecessary and injurious biotech firms in the black. Many of them, meanwhile, give Hillary Clinton large donations, and she in turn keeps on pushing the Monsanto agenda.
Hillary Clinton relays Monsanto’s talking points as speaker for the Biotechnology Industry. She shows her loyal to the biotech bullies whenever she can, trotting out their junk science and demonizing the clean-food opposition just as Monsanto and other ag businesses do.
Monsanto Cheerleader Hillary Clinton
In 2014, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Biotechnology Industry Organization. Communicating partly in political code lest someone suspect where her real sympathies lie, she said:
“I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record… [There is no proven track record, but why bother with the facts when you are speaking to your paymasters?] And to continue to try to make the case for those who are skeptical that they may not know what they’re eating already. The question of genetically modified food or hybrids has gone on for many many years. And there is again a big gap between what the facts are and what perceptions are…”
In this speech, Ms. Clinton essentially tells her biotech base that all anti-GMO citizens are anti-science fools who don’t know “the facts.” Monsanto’s “facts,” of course, not any real facts backed by real science not paid for by Monsanto or its minions. Monsanto has, to the detriment of all but their own bottom line, financed a deep network of financial influence to sway scientists, universities and mainstream media. Organic and small farmers don’t have the financial clout to compete with Monsanto in the public information arena. Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, concludes with the non sequitur that since we ignorant, unscientific masses don’t know we’ve already been eating GMOs, it’s perfectly safe to continue.
Democrats, Republicans, Knee-Jerk Voters
Most people will vote how they will in their knee jerk ways for a Democrat or a Republican, but isn’t it time that people at least know what their candidate stands for, who is paying her, and why?
Trump Monsanto Investments
Meanwhile, Republican frontrunner screamer Donald Trump is invested in Monsanto. Where do we go from here, when “our” candidates are both heavily interested in the success of the world’s most evil corporation?
- Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
- Glypohosate Cancer Link
- Monsanto sued for False Advertising
- Monsanto sued for Water Contamination

by Matthews & Associates