Waiting for Pharmacy Records
A wait of three months or longer is often the norm after we order pharmacy records. Even a nine-month wait for records is not entirely unusual. That long wait can spoil a case. The necessary records may have been purged by the pharmacy or hospital administration in the interim. If and when that happens, the potential case could be lost before it ever starts.
Records Purging at Record Pace
Drug stores and pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart and others are purging their records faster every year. Many previously kept their customers’ pharmacy records for 10 years or longer. Not any more. Many now purge their records in as little as five or six years, some now in as short a span as three years.
Protect your Pharmacy, Medical Records
To protect your own interests and to help make or expedite your potential shingles vaccine lawsuit – or any drug case lawsuit – it would be wise to secure your pharmacy records right now, today. In the future, it would also be wise to get and keep a copy of every prescription you’ve ever filled. Ideally, you don’t want to be in a position of waiting for a law firm to secure your records.
Matthews & Associates Orders Records
At Matthews & Associates, we order pharmacy and medical records for virtually every client we sign; nevertheless, given the vicissitudes of nearly always being forced to wait several months for records to appear, we advise all of our clients who we think have a case to get their records themselves as soon as possible.
Free Consultation
Matthwes & Associates offers a free legal consultation for anyone who was diagnosed with shingles after receiving the shingles vaccination, and anyone who suffered eye injury as a result of the shingles vaccination.
- Shingles Vaccine Lawsuit
- Shingles Vaccine Eye Damage
- Shingles Vaccine? Really?
- Secure Your Own Records

by Matthews & Associates