More and more governments are looking to independent researchers to explain increasing cancer rates. Meanwhile, Monsanto continues to insist glyphosates in Roundup are safe for humans. One Monsanto lobbyist said the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer is safe for humans to drink, but he refused to drink it when a French TV news host offered him a glass of glyphosate.
Roundup 125 times more Toxic than reported
A recent study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) determines RoundUp and its combined chemical ingredients are 125 times more toxic than glyphosate alone. Isolating a chemical eliminates its synergistic effects, its compound interactions with multiple chemicals. This is where most toxic problems really lie; and it gives the lie to Roundup’s promoters. You cannot judge a thing’s toxicity without looking at how it interacts with all the other chemicals with which it is mixed. Any biologist or chemist knows this. See more at NaturalSociety.com.
Biotech Bully sues Farmers, poisons the World
The Missouri-based biotech bully ignores the synergistic effects (which has filed 145 lawsuits against farmers) and claims that the dose makes the poison. But even if it were the case that one could tolerate the cumulative doses many or most of us get everyday just by walking outside, what dose are we getting? As levels of glyphosates rise in our food, soil, air and water every day, one can only wonder at the dose. It is now raining glyphosate in most of the world.
Governments alerted to Monsanto, Roundup, Glyphosate
The fight against GMOs and Monsanto has shaken much of the world outside the United States. In the U.S., 80 percent of products now likely contain GMOs. Europe, however, continues to assess and fight back against the damage caused by Monsanto and all of the company’s unnecessary products. While most of the focus has been on Monsanto crops, a tremendously influential study from the International Agency for Research on Cancer has caused many to consider banning all Monsanto products. Bermuda, the Netherlands and Sri Lanka preceded France in banning sales of Roundup. Bermuda and Sri Lanka have prohibited glyphosates use in all applications, including commercial ones, while the Dutch and the French still allow commercial applications.
Monsanto denies Roundup Toxic
Monsanto has long ignored any science regarding glyphosate dangers that was not arrived at by the company’s own paid scientists and researchers. The company continues to refine its considerable denial skills. Glyphosate was introduced as Roundup in the 1970s. It grew to become the most heavily produced and applied weed killer in the world. Production brought financial rewards that Monsanto used to sell more and more products. Monsanto was able to put former employees like Peter Taylor and others into government positions to approve Monsanto products. It was easy to keep the public fooled before the advent of the Internet. Way back in 1985, the Environmental Protection Agency listed glyphosate as a possible carcinogen; but then six years later, the memo was arbitrarily changed, despite several scientists supporting the original classification.
Roundup/Glyphosate now listed Carcinogenic
But now the World Health Organization and the American Cancer Society list glyphosate as a 2A carcinogen. Monsanto’s manipulation of public opinion is not what it was in the early going, when the company first introduced GMO foods by using its considerable political power and its former employees who took jobs with the FDA and then greenlighted the company’s Frankenfood products with virtually no adequate, long-term testing. Now, as we see glyphosate at last classified as cancerous as it should have been thirty years ago, and as we see the company’s vicious business practices unleashed on farmers and consumers, we see public knowledge turning more and more people to public outrage. Millions against Monsanto and other organizations have banded together to fight Monsanto’s money and powerful political influences in Washington.
Glyphosate/Roundup Injuries
• A study by eminent oncologists Dr. Leonard Hardell and Dr. Mikael Eriksson of Sweden reveals clear links between glyphosate (commonly known as Roundup, Monsanto), to non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL), a form of cancer. (“Herbicide Tolerance,” New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup to cancer,” – June 2001)
• The Women’s Cancer Resource Center (WCRC) and CHOSE (Coalition for a Healthy Oakland School Environment), showed chemicals such as Round-Up/glyphosate can trigger reproductive damage as well as damage to the kidney and liver. (Chemical Injury Network, June 2001)
• A Greenpeace Report “Not ready for Roundup: Glyphosate Fact Sheet” in April 1997 said: Glyphosate (Roundup) is one of the most toxic herbicides. It is the third most commonly reported cause of pesticide related illness among agricultural workers. Products containing glyphosate also contain other compounds which can be toxic. Glyphosate is technically extremely difficult to measure in environmental samples, which means that data is often lacking on residue levels in food and the environment, and existent data may not be reliable.
Glyphosate containing Products:
• Roundup Ultra, Roundup Pro, Accord, Honcho, Pondmaster, Protocol, Rascal, Expedite, Ranger, Bronco, Campain, Landmaster, Fallow Master by Monsanto
• Glyphomax, Glypro, Rodeo by Dow AgroSciences
• Glyphosate herbicide by Du Pont
• Silhouette by Cenex/Land O’Lakes
• Rattler by Helena
• Mirage by Platte
• Jury by Riverside/Terra
• Touchdown by Zeneca
- Shingles Vaccine contaminated with Glypohosate
- Monsanto attacks Science
- Monsanto sued for False Advertising
- Monsanto Patent revoked on Tomatoes
- Glyphosate found in Most Rain Samples – Pub Med
- Monsanto Lawsuit

by Matthews & Associates