Johnson & Johnson faces another pelvic mesh trial in California this week, in Superior Court in Kern County. (See Perry v. Ethicon Petition) The bellwether jury trial in product liability suit alleges that pelvic mesh manufactured by Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon unit was defectively designed and caused injuries after being implanted in plaintiff Colleen Perry. This is the first case over Ethicon’s “TVT-Abbrevo” product to go to trial.
The plaintiff is fifty-year-old Coleen Perry, whose pelvic mesh case against Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon, is pending before Superior Court Judge Lorna H. Brumfield. Mrs. Perry was implanted with Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon’s Abbrevo transvaginal tape product on March 23, 2011 for treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Since receiving the J&J, Ethicon product, according to the petition, Mrs. Perry has experienced erosion of the mesh into her vagina, pain, swelling, urinary problems, scarring and pain during sex. Although she has had a revision surgery, a portion of the mesh remains in her body, and, she continues to experience problems from the plastic mesh.
Plaintiff’s Injuries
The petition reads, in part: “As a result of the implantation of the Sling System, Plaintiff suffered and will continue to suffer serious bodily injuries, including pain, discomfort, pressure, difficulty voiding urine, continued incontinence, discharge, scarring, infection, odor, and bleeding.”
Causes of Action
The complaint (Perry Petition PDF) lists seven causes of action, including Failure to Warn, Design Defect, Negligence, and Loss of Consortium.
Plaintiff Lawyers
The same law firms and lawyers trying this case for the plaintiffs – Matthews & Associates, Freese & Goss, Peter De La Cerda, Tom Cartmell – won a $1.2 million verdict against Johnson & Johnson in a transvaginal mesh sling case tried in Dallas last year.
25,000 Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Johnson & Johnson faces some 25,000 transvaginal mesh claims in federal and state courts.
- $1.2 Million Verdict against Johnson & Johnson
- Transvaginal Mesh Recall
- Verdicts Mount against Mesh Makers
- Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit
- Transvaginal Mesh Trial for Woman killed by Infection
- $5.5 Million Mesh Verdict in Bakersfield
Experimental TVT-O Device for Women

by Matthews & Associates