Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon filed a motion in the pelvic mesh MDL in West Virginia alleging, among other things, that there is a direct relationship between the number of filings in the MDL and the inappropriate direct solicitation of women by unscrupulous groups and individuals. Based on these alleged solicitations, Ethicon suggested to the Court that many of the cases filed against the company are without merit.
Fraud not Found, but Rumors persist
After Ethicon failed to establish a single fraudulent complaint among the 23,000 filed cases filed against the company, Ethicon withdrew its filing. Nonetheless, anecdotal reports and rumors of the possible scam continue. Consequently, the MDL Court has asked Plaintiffs’ leadership to assist in the investigation of these solicitations in an effort to stop them. As plaintiffs’ representatives, Matthews & Associates will do everything it can to assist in this investigation and bring any perpetrators filing fraudulent cases to justice.
Unsolicited Phone Calls from Overseas
Ethicon reports suggested that some women have received unsolicited phone calls from overseas groups, most frequently with Indian accents and unverifiable telephone numbers. The callers seek information about the women’s mesh-related injuries. The callers have represented themselves as part of a national medical organization. Sometimes they know something of the plaintiffs’ medical histories. The numbers were often international, with background voices apparently coming from a room with similar scams in progress in a call-center environment.
Plaintiffs’ leadership has established a toll-free number so that Plaintiffs in the pelvic mesh litigation, Plaintiffs’ counsel, or anyone else who might have knowledge of any improper solicitation, improper disclosure of private information, or allegedly fraudulent conduct, can report it. Plaintiffs’ leadership has hired an investigator to examine allegations and share with Ethicon any evidence of fraud, so that the parties can work together to bring any violators to justice.
Because Matthews & Associates recognizes the importance of ensuring the merits of Plaintiffs’ pelvic mesh claims, we want to stop any fraud in its tracks. We are pleased to work with Ethicon’s counsel to identify any individual or entity that is falsifying records or medical histories, or bringing claims on behalf of women who were not implanted with an Ethicon mesh product.
Call us Toll Free to Report Suspicious Solicitations
If you receive any suspicious phone call regarding your personal case with us, please do not share any information. Then call Matthews & Associates toll free at (888) 923-7001, or call the toll free hotline below.
by Matthews & Associates