Monsanto attacks Science itself whenever it fails to support the company’s bottom line, when it can’t put its own former executives like Michael Taylor directly into government positions to stifle dissent regarding GMOs‘.
Monsanto has spent much time and money attempting to suppress or destroy scientific studies that show Monsanto products – especially the herbicide Roundup (Glyphosate) – cause cancer and kidney disease. (For more Monsanto duplicity regarding objective science, see: Seeds of Deception) When a study in France conducted by Professor Gilles-eric Seralini demonstrated with its publication in 2012 that Monsanto’s Glyphosate – the main active ingredient in Roundup – caused kidney and liver disease and tumors, Monsanto used scientists on its payroll, or those who otherwise stood to gain from defending GMO’s, to discredit Seralini and his research. So effective was Monsanto’s expensive smear campaign that the Biotech bully from St. Louis succeeded in having Seralini’s study pulled from the scientific literature.
But now the tide has turned. Monsanto-paid scientists and the junk science they spawn have been roundly discredited. Other scientists from around the world have re-reviewed Seralini’s studies and found them to be legitimate and worthy of publication anywhere. The Seralini study has since been republished in another scientific journal.
Seralini Study shows GMOs devastate Health
Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini examined the toxic effects of two of Monsanto’s main products. Scientists found severe kidney and liver damage as well as hormonal disorders in rats fed GM maize and low levels of Roundup. The research also unexpectedly discovered higher rates of large tumors and fatalities in the rats, rats which ingested the herbicide Roundup at levels far below those allowed in drinking water in the European Union.
Former Monsanto Employee retracts Publication
First published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT), the Seralini study was retracted six months later, right after a former Monsanto employee was appointed to a newly created position of “Associate Editor of Biotechnology” at FCT. (It’s hard to imagine a more cynical appointment, though Michael Taylor clearly takes the cake; it is not known if the former employee retains stock in Monsanto.) Now, the research along with the raw data it was built upon has been republished in Environmental Sciences Europe (ESE). reports: “The release of the Seralini data for public view is unlike the secretly kept data of biotech industry studies that serve as the basis for Roundup’s approval.”
Seralini Study Passes Three Rounds of Review
Claire Robinson – editor of – notes that Seralini’s study has now gone through intense scrutiny in three peer reviews. The first review occurred before it was published in FCT. “It passed with only minor revisions, according to the authors,” she says.
The second review organized by FCT’s editor-in-chief A. Wallace Hayes was cloaked in secrecy. Robinson describes it as a non-transparent evaluation of Seralini’s data conducted by a panel of unnamed persons. “In a letter to Prof Séralini, Hayes admitted that the anonymous reviewers found nothing ‘incorrect’ about the results presented. However, Hayes pointed to what he said was the ‘inconclusive’ nature of some aspects of the paper, namely the tumor and mortality observations, to justify his decision to retract the study. The rationale given for the retraction was widely criticized by scientists as an act of censorship and a bow to the interests of the GMO the industry,” she states.
Peer Reviewed Science
A third round of peer review was done by the ESE, the journal where it is republished. Because the second publishing restores the research to “peer-reviewed literature,” other scientists can refer to it and use it to build their own research.
Dr. Michael Wald, Director of Nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco in Westchester, New York and author of Frankenfoods: Controversy, Lies & Your Health, said, “The fact that ESE republished the study is evidence that there is still some integrity and lack of bias remaining in the medical literature. The fight to reveal the health and environmental damage that GMOs cause is a difficult one, but I applaud the ESE for having the integrity to report the science and not back down by anti-health, pro-GMO interest groups and scientists.”
Monsanto’s Truth Suppression backfires
The extra review and scrutiny which FCT’s retraction generated has only served to increase the strength of the original Seralini study findings.
London molecular geneticist, Dr. Michael Antoniou, told that few studies would survive such in-depth examination by scientific peers: “The republication of the study after three expert reviews is a testament to its rigor, as well as to the integrity of the research,” he says.
- Seralini Study Republished
- Monsanto controls Science Journals?
- Monsanto eats GMO Studies
- No Evidence GMOs are safe, says Norway
- Monsanto Lawsuit

by Matthews & Associates