Scientist Barry Trower has announced that the telecommunications industry, with the cooperation of governments around the world, is violating the Nuremberg treaty by allowing human experimentation on a global scale.
Signed by all the nations of the world, the Nuremberg Treaty forbids human experimentation. The treaty states that no human being will be experimented upon without his or her consent, and before giving consent, one has the legal right to understand all of the implications, health problems and future health problems, and one has the legal capacity to say, “No.”
The dangers of microwave technology – which is used in cell phones, wi-fi, cordless telephone and other wireless mechanisms – are well known by scientists. Nevertheless, microwave emitters have been allowed to proliferate on a previously unimaginable scale.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has said it is watching the adult population until 2015, the children’s population from 2009. Barry Trower says the he WHO is watching to see how many cancers, how many illnesses, how much neurological damage occurs.
“It is a scientific, health, medical experiment,” Mr. Trower says, “and in their wording you can read that it is an experiment. So what I would suggest to countries and people is they can invoke the Nuremberg treaty and say, ‘I do not wish to be a part of this global experiment. We signed the treaty and you are breaking it.'”
Mr. Trower also references an environmental law (published circa 2004), which says any entity which damages an environmental water supply, a habitat, an environment, any animals, any nature conservation area is liable for the damage. Mr. Trower says there is a huge amount of scientific literature to support the claim that the telecommunication industry’s ubiquitous microwave radiation is devastating the honey bees worldwide and leading to potential catastrophic consequences for the food supply. He reiterates that if one causes bees to die [as the telecom industry’s microwave radiation is thought to do by many scientists], crops to fail, farm animals to die, the whole of the reparation bill can be sent straight to the industry if they are taken into court and it is proven to a jury that they are guilty.
by Matthews & Associates